Useful products made from CO2, water & renewable energy
Welcome to the electrochemical revolution where essential products like materials and fuels are made from air, water and sun, with technology that works like industrial photosynthesis.
The Shiny Black Leaf (MEA)
A Novel Catalyst for CO2 Reduction
At the core of our technology is the Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA), a shiny black leaf that transforms CO2 into essential feedstocks. We developed a highly efficient novel CO2-reducing catalyst that electrifies CO2 and water, producing only oxygen, synthesis gas (also known as syngas: combination of CO + H2), and water as outputs.

Built for Global Impact
Scaling our technology is critical to eliminating industrial emissions and reducing the trillion tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. It's modular, highly scalable and integrates seamlessly into existing supply chains. We're building our first AirPlant™ at Moses Lake, Washington.
The Stack
Carbon Transformation Powerhouse
If the MEA is our shiny black leaf, The Stack is the branch with more CO2 transforming power. Electrical current runs through the stack to split CO2 into the building blocks for eChemicals, like our E-Naphtha™ and eFuels like E-Jet® SAF, Electrol™ and E-Marine™. The stack scales modularly.

The Opus™ System
Industrial-Scale CO2 Electrolyzer
The Opus™ System is our industrial-scale carbon transformation platform. It is the full closed-unit carbon transformation system that can plug into industrial systems, using CO2 from point of emissions or from direct air capture. At scale, Opus can transform existing supply chains to eliminate up to 10% of global industrial emissions in hard to abate sectors. Read more >