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the carbon transformation company™

Twelve is the carbon transformation company, on a mission to eliminate global emissions and build a fossil-free future by transforming CO2 into essential products through the power of electrochemistry. Our breakthrough Opus™ Carbon Transformation System is an industrial-scale electrolyzer that works like photosynthesis, converting CO2, water and renewable energy into hydrocarbons, the building blocks for chemicals, materials and fuels. By using CO2 as a feedstock, we can eliminate emissions from products and supply chains, and eliminate the need for fossil fuels as a feedstock for thousands of industrial and everyday products.

Founder Manifesto >

the future is fossil-free

A fossil-free future doesn't just happen—it has to be invented. We're creating new technologies and teams that have never existed before in order to get there.

Read the latest on our blog Catalyst >

it takes everybody

We need every available technology and approach to address the needs of the climate era. Twelve's technology is a critical part of eliminating industrial emissions and helping to reduce the trillion tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. 

Meet our team and read their stories > 

we can do this

Despite the audacity of the challenge and the path ahead, we are determined and we have the technology to transform our world from the inside out.

Breaking ground on AirPlant™ >



Carbon Direct


Breakout Ventures

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative


Fifth Wall

Munich RE

Emerson Collective


Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

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